The Spring Hill Amateur Radio Club is a 501(c)(3) organization and a Florida not-for-profit corporation consisting of about 60 men and women who have a passion for amateur radio. SHARC owns and operates an open 2-Meter repeater on 146.805 MHz and SOON a 70 Centimeter repeater on 443.800 MHZ. These are both Yaesu Fusion C4FM digital repeaters. The 2 meter club repeater is located at Oak Hill Hospital on the north side of SR 50 (Cortez Boulevard), about midway between SR 589 (the Suncoast Parkway) and US 19 (Commercial Way). The 70 centimeter repeater is currently in search of a new location. Our club is run by an elected president, vice president and board of directors. Our club officers work hard to provide the membership with an enjoyable club experience. SHARC has many weekly, monthly and quarterly events.
Monthly Meeting:
UF/IFAS Extension Hernando County Building
16110 Aviation Loop Brooksville
7:00 P.M. on The Third Thursday of the month
You can use this form to:
- Join the club and give us your info to add a a new member.
- To update your info if your a current member and changed your address or email.
- Add family member to your membership.
New to the Hobby or Area?
Ham Radio clubs are more than just gatherings of enthusiasts; they are dynamic communities where knowledge, skills, and experiences are shared. Our club offers a platform for both beginners and seasoned operators to engage in various activities, from technical projects to social events, and serve as vital hubs for learning and collaboration within the amateur radio world.
CLUB General Information
The SpringHill Amateur Radio Club, holds the callsign KF4IXU. Our members are mainly located around SpringHill / Brooksville and neighboring towns and cities but also have members around the USA. Some of our members are Snowbirds. We meet once a month and have various activities throughout the year.